Poets seeking to record accompanying audio readings have a variety of options. For simplicity, using Reverb (via their free website or app) may be the easiest—simply record and send us a link. They have a brief walkthrough here.
- In short: Click record > Create account > Edit / Send link
- Smartphones (via websites or apps)
- Computers (via website, software, and/or equipment)
- Equipment (professional microphone, pop filters, etc.)
- Editing (audio adjustments, trimming, etc.)
General guides:
- Record only your poetry (no intros or outros)
- Be in a silent room (no background noise)
- Avoid rustling papers
- Don't be too close / far away
- Practice!
When done:
- File format: an .mp3 file or direct link
- Attach file to your poem's Submittable messages!